Free Branded Hacker-Pschorr Pint Gasses

  • Freebie
  • End date unknown

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Oktoberfest Free Drinks

Free Branded Hacker-Pschorr Pint Gasses

With Ocktober Fest coming up, Pschorrthing are giving away free six piece sets of branded Hacker Pschoor beer glasses for free in this new free giveaway.

This beer is brewered in Munich Germany and is made from a collaboration of breweries Hacker and Pschoor.

30 people will get a 6-piece set of branded Hacker-Pschorr one (1) liter steins. Plus there is a grand prize for 5 people who will win either one (1) authentic Oktoberfest Dirndl or one (1) authentic Oktoberfest Leather Lederhosen.

Tap on the button below and we'll take you to the page where you can apply for htis.

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